Tackling Poverty – Making Ends Meet

Participatory Budgeting Funding (PB) 2018/2019

On Saturday 2nd March the second round of Tackling Poverty PB Funding went live in the Stewartry area.

Four Making Ends Meet projects have progressed to the public voting stage. The projects aim to tackle issues such as food and fuel poverty, rurality and social isolation, as well as addressing the challenges brought about by the roll-out of Universal Credit. These projects can be voted on by  area through the public and online voting process.

Councillor Andy Ferguson, Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee said,

It is vital that we work together with local Groups to tackle poverty in our local communities and give local people a say in how we go about this.

Councillor Martin, Vice Chair of the Communities Committee went on to say

Tackling poverty is one of our Councils priorities and by using this approach we get the help that is needed to the people who need it the most.

Anyone over the age of 12 residing within the Stewartry can vote on projects in person at Kirkcudbright Academy, Kirkcudbright on Saturday 16th March, from 11am to 3pm or on line, using the link below:

Online voting in the Stewartry is open until 3pm on Saturday 16th March 2019.  Registration for online voting closes at 3pm on Thursday 14th March.
Jeanette Byers, Chair of the Regions Tackling Poverty Reference Group said
It’s great that we can get more people involved with Tackling Poverty and PB with the online system. This means that where rurality and transport are barriers, people can participate digitally and still have their voices heard.

Page added March 2019 - expires 16 March 2019