Stewartry U3A is a lively and friendly organisation offering a wide range of study, creative and leisure groups for the retired and semi retired. It is a good way to meet people and make new friends.
The U3A was launched in the winter of 2009 and now has 150 plus members with 35 different interest groups covering a wide range of subjects. A general meeting is held monthly with a programme of interesting and topical subjects delivered by excellent speakers. Costs are low because our activities are organised by our members who share their skills and expertise.
If you would like to know more about Stewartry U3A than is available on their website, please do not hesitate to contact them, or even better, why not come along to one of our monthly meetings held on the third Wednesday of the month at the Gordon Hall, St Ninians Episcopal Church, Whitepark Road,Castle Douglas. Contact Stewartry U3A. Visit the Stewartry U3A website.