The Dalbeattie Community Allotments Association was established in 2008 and the allotments started in the Spring of 2010. Please email:
Dalbeattie Community Allotments Association came into being at a meeting held in Dalbeattie Town Hall on April 16th, 2008 which was attended by 19 people.
From that meeting a Committee was formed to drive the Project forward, with the aim being, that Dalbeattie would once again have its own allotment site.
Over the next two years the Committee explored a variety of options to try to turn that dream into a reality, and although they encountered numerous obstacles setbacks and frustrations along the way, they were not deterred from their main aim of providing an allotment site for Dalbeattie.
The Association were given a huge helping hand when a private landowner, very generously offered an opportunity to enter into a long term lease on land just on the edge of town. The lease was to be for 25 years at £1 per year , and needless to say it was gratefully accepted.
On Friday 30th April 2010 the lease was signed, and on Saturday May 1st work began on the site.
‘People Power’ then took over and a remarkable transformation occurred. Through sheer determination, goodwill, and masses of hard physical work, an allotment began to emerge, and within six weeks we had gone from an empty field to an operational allotment, with members tending to their plots while still helping to develop the site for others.
It was that kind of community spirit which helped attract the attention of numerous local sponsors who helped both financially and practically, and an emormous debt of gratitude is owed to them all for the vital part they played. Of particular note was an extremely generous donation of £5,000.00 from the Rotary Club of Dalbeattie (the Jim Eaves bequest)
By 2nd April 2011, it is still less than a year since work began on that empty field, but we now have 48 productive plots, an array of sheds, poly tunnels, raised beds and compost bins, all tended by people from the Town. We also have a sizeable waiting list, such is the demand for this type of community resource.
We have also become something of a benchmark for other allotment projects throughout Dumfries and Galloway, and have been visited on numerous occasions by enthusiastic groups who would like to learn from our experiences and achieve similar success.
As a new ‘growing season’ gets underway and gardening tools get their first outings after a long and hard winter, future developments are being discussed, and things hopefully will continue to move on from strength to strength. We are particularly excited about the possibility of extending the allotments even further.
(Information and photos supplied by Jim Fallon, Treasurer of Dalbeattie Community Allotments Association. July 5 2011.
Work on the new extension began in July 2011 and was completed in August 2012 making a total of 74 productive allotment plots at Biggar's Garden.
The new extension to the Dalbeattie Allotment Association site, which was started in September 2011, has now been completed and is being cultivated and enjoyed by a substantial number of local residents including Cubs, Beavers and Scouts.
The extra land given to the Association by the Biggar family in 2011 has allowed the Allotment Association to expand its site at Port Road to now offer 74 plots instead of the 47 it had on its original site (developed May 2010).
To provide this award-winning facility (Stewartry Community Group of the Year Award 2011) for Dalbeattie has been a remarkable achievement and one which has been made possible by the hard work, determination and generosity of not only those with plots, but also local residents who have supported the project throughout each stage of its development.
Although the project began back in March 2008, when land, funding and Council support were being sought, it was only in May 2010 that things really took off when the first phase of the allotment site was developed.
To now have an allotment site cositsting of 74 productive plots all of which have been created in only 2 years and 3 months is an outstanding achievement and one of which everyone in Dalbeattie can be proud.
(Report by Jim Fallon of Dalbeattie Community Allotment Association, August 1 2012)
Dalbeattie Allotments Association, which opened for its first plot holders in 2010, is now 7 years old and continues to be a firm favourite with local residents both young and not so young. The original site which provided 47 plots was extended in 2011 and currently there are 81 plots being lovingly tended and providing fresh fruit and veg for members.
The allotments welcome visitors and there are some nice seating areas where you can relax and maybe chat to some of our current members.
The following photographs were taken on Friday 7th July 2017